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Remediate vulnerabilities before it’s too late

Why wait until your next vulnerability scan? In the Sweepatic Platform, technology and host vulnerabilities are detected automatically. You will be the first to know when a new vulnerability has popped up.
Remediate vulnerabilities before it's too late

Why wait until your next vulnerability scan? In the Sweepatic Platform, technology and host vulnerabilities are detected automatically. Since the platform automatically maps and monitors your attack surface 24/7 and alerts you with notifications in case of any change, you will be the first to know when a new vulnerability has popped up.

Go in continuous mode! Why is it important?

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures or CVEs are the most common way to enumerate and name known vulnerabilities. The OWASP Top 10 – “representing a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications”- lists the use of components with known vulnerabilities as number 9. Furthermore, they explain that the impact can be significant: some of the largest breaches to date relied on exploiting vulnerabilities.

Vulnerabilities in your internet-facing assets can:

  • Attract attackers: CVEs are more commonly found in old and outdated technologies. This could attract the interest of bad actors as your asset might be less secured than newer more recently introduced assets.
  • Be exploitable: The vulnerability might have an existing exploit that could be used to attack the asset, gain access to it or even use it as a pivot point.
  • Trigger a service outage: Some vulnerabilities could be triggered by a mix of misconfiguration/coding errors and bad usage leading to crashes and outages in business operations.

The Sweepatic Platform maps, monitors and manages your attack surface, including the collection of all technology and host information. This data is obtained by running advanced recon techniques against the scope.

How it works

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) maintains the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) which includes every found vulnerability. These vulnerabilities are analyzed using a common framework, defining a severity score (CVSS) from 1 to 10. The Sweepatic Platform is correlating the technology and host information with the NVD to find CVEs present on your internet-facing assets.

The Sweepatic Platform calculates the priority around every CVE observation and notifies you automatically when they appear for your scope. Besides the priority score, each observation contains a specific help text detailing the observation, risk and proposed recommendation.

With auto discovery and proactive monitoring of all your internet-facing assets, you will be the first to know when a vulnerability is found. You can then remediate before a bad actor takes advantage and exploits the CVE.

Since the Sweepatic Platform automatically sweeps your discovered assets for vulnerabilities, you won’t have to worry about collecting all your assets and manually insert them in a vulnerability scanner. Save time and simplify your process by having everything in the automated Sweepatic platform.

Contact us

We at Sweepatic are continuously engineering new use cases for our Sweepatic Platform to support our customers in running successful attack surface management programs. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop!

So if we sparked your interest and you would like to know more, schedule your animated demo of the Sweepatic platform with one of our experts and click here!