Home > Protect your brand from Cybersquatting
We at Sweepatic are helping our partners and customers in automating the discovery, analysis and examination of all their internet facing assets and their exposure to risk. In order to achieve this we take an outside-in approach based around advanced reconnaissance techniques, just as your adversaries would do.
Our very own Sweepatic reconnaissance platform does that in a very unique and intelligent way by looking at the organization attack surface from different angles.
From a vertical perspective to bring visibility on what is underneath the attack surface (think about an iceberg here) but also on a horizontal level whereby the attack surface grows with new internet seed domains and expands overtime leaving operational teams and stakeholders playing catch-up on what the organization and its 3rd parties are developing and managing day in, day out.
One of the scenarios we will discuss in this blogpost is Cybersquatting (or domain squatting), where only a limited 37% of the companies is aware off, so there is room for improvement to bring visibility on this topic: why it could introduce a potential threat for your brand and organization as a whole.
In a nutshell
In a cybersquatting campaign, a bad actor will target one or more well-known websites or brands and register domains very similar to the legitimate domain. There are many cybersquatting techniques possible, often including: doubling characters (“googgle.com”), adjacent keys (“googlw.com”), letter swapping (“googel.com”) and .TLD registration (“google.om”). At the time of writing, ICANN is maintaining more then 1500+ TLDs across the internet.
Do you have a capability to inform you when your brands and domains are being registered by somebody else?
When such odd activity is being discovered it almost always points to suspicious activity that requires further verification. All too often, bad actors are registering those domains in the preparation for launching a malicious campaign. This could introduce the further attack planning process and the delivery of malicious content to lure users in visiting the cybersquatting domain.
An early warning system
When a new registration happens for your brand, you need to know, allowing you to keep a finger on the pulse, understand the situation and manage the potential risk. The Sweepatic platform detects new domains, giving you an early warning to detect cybersquatting and take proactive measures if necessary.
If you want more information on this Sweepatic product, feel free to get in touch via our website: www.sweepatic.com