Convention time! Just like last year, Sweepatic is sponsoring the Belgian Cyber Security Convention in Mechelen, Belgium on the 25th of October.
The World Cup is quite a conversation starter, to say the least. Football fan or not, everyone seems to show at least some interest in the Russian sports spectacle. That means a lot of traffic. To the many bars, parks and city squares that offer a big screen. And to the FIFA website.
We are delighted to announce that Sweepatic has been accepted to the Cylon program, Europe's first and the world's leading cyber security accelerator.
By now, the term digital footprint shouldn't be a mystery anymore. We roll our eyes every time we see an old college colleague, our teenage niece or that guy on Facebook we don’t really know exposing half of their life online. “Are they not thinking about the dangers?” we think.
At the end of February, Sweepatic will be present at CyberThreat 2018. Organized by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) from the UK and the SANS Institute, it will be an opportunity for Europe's technical cyber security community to gather in one place.
When checking the domain we discovered a significant security gap which enabled us to take over their subdomain. Of course, we then secured it from hostile hackers and through coordination by the National CSIRT in the US we helped to make aware of this significant security gap.
In this blog post we will provide you with an overview of the different aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation, as well as how Sweepatic can help your organization to comply before the enforcement day and stay compliant afterwards. Let's get started!
One month ago our CEO received a call from Trends Magazine. It seems they feel more people should hear about Sweepatic and offered to publish an article on the company.
On October 25th the Belgian Cyber Security Convention gathers the Belgian cyber industry on a one-day conference in Mechelen. From big companies to startups, academia or public sector: all will be present to discuss recent cyber security trends and share their strategies.
In this blog post, we are going to explore the dangers and risks of the tip of a very huge iceberg of sensitive information companies are exposing: the metadata of a document.
In this blog post we will dig deep into the matter of Subdomain Takeovers, to make you understand all you need to know in order to defend yourself.
We will set you up with all you need to know about Subdomain enumeration. Cyber attackers map out the digital footprint of the target in order to find weak spots to gain for example access to an internal network. Already know enough? is hosted in Brussels this week, at the 22th and 23th of March. Central theme this year is how businesses operate in a Data Centric World.
Today Sweepatic is excited to get the opportunity to speak at the NILS Network event at ING Antwerp.